Saturday, 3 November 2012

A long job, and a new name

Well, it's been at Wooley's garage for rather longer than we expected, and has needed rather more work than we expected too...

We had to buy four new tyres straightaway, as even though the treads were fine, the side walls had cracked to the canvas as a result of sitting on concrete for all those years. It also needed new brake pipes, brakes dismantling and servicing, system bled, new (second-hand from a T2) silencer, and the battery. All of that, plus the MOT, and we are over £1000 further into our loan. Ouch.

While he's been there, I've been spending some time trying to figure out the layout. I drew the dimensions of him out on the kitchen floor with chalk - but quickly gave up because it seemed so unbeliveably small that I got rather worried. However, now he's back, so we can get back inside and wait for inspiration to strike!

The other thing that has happened since he's been away is that he has definitely become a 'he' rather than an 'it', and we are calling him 'Bertie Blue'. The BMC on the front, I have discovered, stands for British Motor Company - but we think of it as Blue Moon Camper, and Bertie seemed to fit in with this, and with his personality.

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