Thursday, 31 October 2013

Jingle bells, jingle bells ...

We were asked to do a final day of filming for the 'Amazing Spaces' show, for a small section in the Christmas special episode. So - today we have been pretending it's Christmas!
Tinsel, stockings, warm spiced apple juice, gingerbread, carols and lots and lots of fairy lights... It's been a lovely day :)

Holidays are here again!

It's only been one night, but we feel like we've been on a proper holiday...

This crazy half term week looked like it didn't hold any opportunities (or decent weather) to get away in Bertie, so we had consoled ourselves with putting a couple of day trips on the calendar. However, our schedule for the next couple of days changed suddenly, and with the St Jude storm blowing itself out pretty quickly in our neck of the woods, we found a tiny window in which we could hit the road.

I booked a campsite at the third time of trying - the first was closed for the winter, and the second sounded a little unsure about 6 people staying in one small van and suggested we try elsewhere! We checked the directions on the net, found the relevant page on the Norfolk map, chucked some clothes in a bag, duvets in the seat boxes, dog food in the rear storage and clean water in the tank, and we were off...

The site we chose was the wonderful 'Whitehall Farm' in Burnham Thorpe:
A complete stab in the dark, but it turned out to be absolutely perfect for our needs. A lovely quiet field with countryside views, short grass and very few bumps, almost no other campers, clean and adequate facilities, and only £14 for us all for the night. Can't ask for more than that!

We pitched up (after a short quibble about the prevailing wind, direction of the slope, distance from the one other tent etc) and then walked the couple of miles along country lanes to Burnham Market, the nearest small town (large village?). Sandwiches and cakes from the bakery, eaten outside on the village green in the late autumn sunshine, were just perfect. The smaller children found the walk back a little too much and needed to be carried, and it was almost totally dark by the time we made it back to Bertie, but it was a lovely excursion.

Once back, Bertie came into his own as we quickly warmed up with the stove on and hot drinks and then dinner cooking. Games of  cards around the table together passed the rest of the afternoon, then a meal of lemon chicken (well, quorn!) and rice... The electric coolbox is perfectly adequate for our needs at the moment, and I'm very glad we didn't invest the time and money into installing a real fridge.

After tea we read some stories and played another game, and then J took the children off to the toilet block while I rearranged the furniture ready for bed. We decided to change the sleeping arrangements this time, after some issues last time. The two little girls were in their hammocks again, but the older two took the places on top of the kitchen, and Jonathan and I made up the whole double bed below the hammocks for us. This was a much better option, espcially for Jonathan, as it meant that he could stretch out fully in bed, and sleep much better.

We were really toasty warm, and left one of the roof vents open for ventilation through the night. It did rain overnight, but we stayed dry and warm, and all slept well.

After replacing the tables for breakfast the following morning, it was time to make our way home again. It is just so fantastic to be able to pack up in 10 minutes, turn a key and be back on the road... Campervanning is just the best!

Tuesday, 29 October 2013

Great feedback, and another trip out

We've had so many lovely comments from friends, family and strangers too... Bertie is getting lots of new twitter followers too :)

Here's just a few of the comments:

@MpbEunos: After showing the family @bluemooncamper on George Clarke's Amazing Spaces, it has been decided that it is the best thing ever! I need one!
@DomesticMrsH: Wow did you see @GCAmazingSpaces last night? You really should check out this stunning project @Bluemooncamper #creativespace
@bethtow: @MrGeorgeClarke @Bluemooncamper such a clever use of space - love it!
@melly_mel101: @Bluemooncamper what a fantastic holiday camper van! well done, he's beautiful!

@MrGeorgeClarke: Bertie the Ambulance is one of the cutest and inventive projects I've ever seen...what a lovely project for a lovely family #amazingspaces

On Saturday we went into the city to do some shopping, and I had five separate people come up to me during the afternoon to say how much they enjoyed the programme, and to compliment us on Bertie. Crazy, being recognised as 'someone from the TV'! One guy even shouted down a crowded street, "Love your ambulance!"!

Bertie took us to the woods on Sunday, doing what he does best. We had a lovely walk in the forest with good friends, finding a rare couple of hours of sunshine. And then we all piled into the back of Bertie for hot chocolate and biscuits... Perfect Sunday afternoon.

Thursday, 24 October 2013

Amazing spaces, amazing day :)

It's been a crazy, bizarre, tiring and very wonderful day!

Jonathan was up at first light again, off to the paper shop in the local village, to get a copy of the Eastern Daily Press - and here is the article:

Short and to the point (!) but a lovely photo.

Twitter and facebook have both been buzzing all day with friends and strangers alike excited about seeing Bertie on the first episode of the new series of 'Amazing Spaces' tonight. The day also involved lots of normal stuff - toddler group, shopping, housework etc - alongside the craziness.

We took Bertie on the school run for the first time this afternoon, so our children could show him off to their classmates and teachers, which was a lot of fun. Then, at the prime drive-time slot of 5.50, I did the first radio interview of my life, on BBC Radio Norfolk. It felt like a blur, and I probably should listen again to find out exactly what I said, but friends and family said I came across well :) It was an added bonus to be the 'and finally' story on the news bulletins at 6pm and 7pm too!

It was pretty cosy on the sofa this evening as 9 additional friends and family members arrived around half 7 to join us to watch the programme.... And at 8pm we were on!

The show is just soooo fab anyway, and we were really happy with the way that Bertie came across. Very, very pleased. I expect we'll be watching it a few times over the next week :)

Wednesday, 23 October 2013


The EDP photographer came this afternoon to take our picture for tomorrow's paper. The highlight for me was having to move Bertie into position (Jonathan was still at work at this point), as I haven't driven him myself for months.

Once again the children were very patient and great at being in the right place at the right time - hopefully there will be some good shots for the paper to choose from.

I had a telephone interview with the journalist as well, so we're looking forward to seeing what's in print tomorrow.

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Read all about it!

Jonathan was up super early this morning to go to the paper shop in the next village and snap up some copies of the Sunday Times. He also came back with a Radio Times and a couple of other TV guides...

Lovely photos, and a great article!